Women’s Ministry
All women are welcome to join us each month on the 3rd Sunday of each month for a time of Fellowship and Bible Teaching. We meet at 4pm in the Gathering Space (which is in the main building). Women of all ages are welcome to join us!
Ladies of all ages you are invited to an evening of Christmas Peace hosted by First Baptist Church Ozark, AR. We will have a time of worship, Andrea Lennon (Arkansas Baptist Convention Women’s Ministry Specialist) will bring a message of Christmas Peace just for women, we will have a delicious dinner, fun drawings and much more. We hope you and your ladies make plans to attend an evening of Christmas Peace to help prepare your hearts for the season!
Ladies that register early pay only $15 per person through the end of November. December 1st it will go up to $20.
UMBRELLA MINISTRIES was founded in 1996, with the sole purpose of helping mothers through their grief of losing a child. Since its beginning Umbrella Ministries has offered comfort, hope and encouragement to thousands of mothers across the United States, including Alaska and Canada.
Contact Cindy Nolan or our church office for assistance.