Sermon Series: Colossians
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Jul 2, 2023
Colossians 4:2-18
By: Nick Webb
Series: Colossians
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of Scripture?
- Who has influenced you most in your Christian walk? What about their life or ministry has the greatest impact on you?
- How do verses 2-4 shape our priorities for prayer?
- Paul calls us to be devoted to prayer in verse 2. How should ‘being watchful’ and ‘thankful’ influence how we pray?
- What is Paul’s focus in his prayer requests in verses 3-4? How can that shape our prayers today?
- What do we learn about prayer from the description of Epaphras in 12-13 (see also Paul’s prayer in 1:9-14)? How do these prayers sum up the message of Colossians?
- How do verses 5-6 challenge us to engage with unbelievers?
- Do you have the kind of relationships and friendship with others that would make it possible for you to share the Gospel with them? Where do you need to ‘make the best use of the time’?
- By God’s grace, what needs to change in your life based on this study of Colossians 4:2-18?
- Jul 2, 2023Colossians 4:2-18Jul 2, 2023Colossians 4:2-18By: Nick WebbSeries: ColossiansQuestions:
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of Scripture?
- Who has influenced you most in your Christian walk? What about their life or ministry has the greatest impact on you?
- How do verses 2-4 shape our priorities for prayer?
- Paul calls us to be devoted to prayer in verse 2. How should ‘being watchful’ and ‘thankful’ influence how we pray?
- What is Paul’s focus in his prayer requests in verses 3-4? How can that shape our prayers today?
- What do we learn about prayer from the description of Epaphras in 12-13 (see also Paul’s prayer in 1:9-14)? How do these prayers sum up the message of Colossians?
- How do verses 5-6 challenge us to engage with unbelievers?
- Do you have the kind of relationships and friendship with others that would make it possible for you to share the Gospel with them? Where do you need to ‘make the best use of the time’?
- By God’s grace, what needs to change in your life based on this study of Colossians 4:2-18?
- Feb 19, 2023Colossians 3:18-4:1Feb 19, 2023Colossians 3:18-4:1By: Nick WebbSeries: ColossiansQuestions:
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of Scripture?
- Why is it important that God speaks to all parties in this list of instructions to husbands and wives, fathers and children, and masters and slaves?
- The instruction to husbands and wives feels very countercultural. How would you explain to an astonished outsider why this is such good news for men and women?
- God calls children to obey their parents, how does submission to earthly authority reflect our relationship with God?
- Thinking about parents and children: What are some bad examples in each of these categories—in yourself or others? How would living in obedience to God’s Word here change these scenarios?
- According to verses 22-24, what should our work look like? How does Paul’s greater purpose for work encourage or challenge you?
- Thinking about slaves and masters (employers and employees): What are some bad examples in each of these categories—in yourself or others? How would living in obedience to God’s Word here change these scenarios?
- In all of these instructions, who is the ultimate master? Who should be the master in our home and in our work? How does this change how we view these relationships?
- By God’s grace, what needs to change in your life based on this study of Colossians 3:18-4:1?
- Jan 8, 2023Colossians 3:12-17Jan 8, 2023Colossians 3:12-17By: Nick WebbSeries: ColossiansQuestions:
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of Scripture?
- Read Mark 12:28-31, How does Paul’s argument fit into the two great commandments? Which of the two great commandments is Paul emphasizing in verses 12-14? What about verses 15-17?
- What are Paul’s motivations for instructing us to put on love verse 12? Which one is most compelling to you?
- Verse 13 commands us to forgive one another as God has forgiven us. Read Matthew 18:21-35, how should God’s forgiveness of us motivate our forgiveness of others? How should we view our sins against God compared to someone’s sin against us?
- Looking at verse 15, what would our church community look like if we let Christ’s forgiveness compel how we act toward one another?
- Based on verse 16, singing biblically and theologically rich songs together helps us teach and admonish one another in the Scripture. How should this change how we view our singing together?
- Can every responsibility we have in life be done as an act of worship (verse 17)? Does this change how we view mundane tasks like folding laundry? How can washing dishes be done as an act of worship?
- Verses 15-17 emphasize the importance of giving thanks to God. How is thanksgiving tied to worship? How does thankfulness show whether or not Jesus is Lord or something else is lord in our hearts?
- Sep 4, 2022Colossians 3:5-11Sep 4, 2022Colossians 3:5-11By: Nick WebbSeries: Colossians
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of Scripture?
- What sins are we to put to death in verse 5? Why is it right to say that all of these sins are ultimately ‘idolatry’?
- What is the reason we should put sin away in verse 6? How does this change the appeal or allure of sin in our hearts?
- According to verse 8, what are the sins that hinder our unity as a church body?
- Why is it right to say that we are putting ourselves in God’s place of judgment over one another, when we give into these sinful temptations listed in verse 8,?
- Read Mark 12:28-31, How does Paul’s argument fit into the two great commandments? Do verses 5-6 correlate to the first or second greatest commandment? What about verses 8-9?
- What are Paul’s motivations for instructing us to put off the sinful tendencies that belong to our old nature in verses 10-11? Which one is most compelling to you?
- By God’s grace, what needs to change in your life based on this study of Colossians 3:5-11?
- Jul 31, 2022Colossians 3:1-4 Pursuing the Supremacy and Sufficiency of ChristJul 31, 2022Colossians 3:1-4 Pursuing the Supremacy and Sufficiency of ChristBy: Nick WebbSeries: ColossiansQuestions
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of Scripture?
- How is Jesus described in verse 1? What does this tell us about him?
- What are the two commands that Paul gives in verses 1-2? What kind of mindset is Paul challenging Christians to have?
- “Set your mind on things above.” What do you think this actually looks like in practice? What are some obstacles in daily living that make practicing this heavenly mindset difficult?
- Verses 1-4 claim that the believer has died, risen, is now hidden, and will one day be glorified with Christ. How should this change how we view our identity and our true purpose?
- Verse 3 says our life is hidden with Christ in God. Who is doing the hiding? What does this say about the security of our salvation?
- By God’s grace, what needs to change in your life based on this study of Colossians 3:1-4?
- Jun 26, 2022Treasuring the Supremacy and Sufficiency of JesusJun 26, 2022Treasuring the Supremacy and Sufficiency of JesusBy: Nick WebbSeries: Colossians
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of Scripture?
- Why is the law in the Old Testament no longer needed for people to be right with God?
- Why does having a list of rules seem attractive to us? Why does it seem to be part of our DNA to want rules to keep? What is the danger of focusing on the law rather than on Christ (19)?
- Where do you struggle with legalism in your relationship with Christ? What truth about how God relates to us helps you fight this tendency?
- In what ways as a church might we be in danger of adding to Christ and his work? What rules or guidelines do we want believers to follow that are more cultural than biblical?
- Paul says that all of these practices have no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh. Why do you think that is the case? (Consider Mark 7:14-23; Matthew 15:15-20).
- By God’s grace, what needs to change in your life based on this study of Colossians 2:16-23?
- May 29, 2022Colossians 2:6-15 – Complete in Christ: Walking confidently in Christ’s SufficiencyMay 29, 2022Colossians 2:6-15 – Complete in Christ: Walking confidently in Christ’s SufficiencyBy: Nick WebbSeries: ColossiansQuestions:
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of Scripture?
- The central confession of the early church was ‘Jesus is Lord.’ What are the implications of this statement for the world, the church, the home, and your life?
- Why do you think Paul sees thankfulness as the believer’s necessary response to salvation (see Colossians 1:12; 2:7; 3:16; 4:2)? What is thankfulness? What does thankfulness look like for you as a Christian?
- In 2:8, Paul commands believers to watch out for harmful beliefs that would undermine their faith. What are the potential philosophies or worldviews that can tempt believers to look for fullness outside of Christ?
- In 2:9-15, Paul provides several reasons to cling to Christ and no other. Why do you think Paul focuses on what is right and true instead of emphasizing what is wrong with the false teaching?
- In 2:9-15, which statement about Christ or about our status in Christ is most encouraging to you? Why?
- By God’s grace, what needs to change in your life based on this study of Colossians 2:6-15?
- Apr 3, 2022Theme of Colossians: The Centrality of Christ in All Things Paul’s suffering to accomplish God’s calling to minister the Gospel (1:24-29Apr 3, 2022Theme of Colossians: The Centrality of Christ in All Things Paul’s suffering to accomplish God’s calling to minister the Gospel (1:24-29By: Nick WebbSeries: ColossiansQuestions:
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of Scripture?
- Why was Paul able to rejoice in his suffering? Why do we find it difficult to rejoice when we suffer?
- “Christ in you, the Hope of glory.” Is this a good summary of the Gospel? How does it encourage you?
- What would a visitor among us say is the content of our ‘gospel’? Are there things that we tend to focus on that are actually alternatives to the Gospel?
- Who and what do you pray for? How does Paul’s example in Colossians change who you pray for and what you pray about?
- “hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love….” Is this a good description of our church and/or our community group? What things threaten our unity and how can we combat them?
- False teaching is dangerous and destructive. How does Paul’s warning change the way you think about having right theology? How would false teaching hinder people from having joy in God and assurance of salvation?
- Jan 23, 2022COLOSSIANS 1:15-23Jan 23, 2022COLOSSIANS 1:15-23By: Nick WebbSeries: ColossiansQuestions:
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of Scripture?
- Why would people find the statements in Colossians 1:15-20 so offensive? How would you respond to someone who thought these claims were ridiculous?
- Jesus is the image of the invisible God: how would you describe what Christians believe about Jesus and his deity to a friend?
- How do you feel about the importance of church in general, and your church in particular? How have the ideas of this passage changed those views?
- Could you explain in a way that a non-believer could understand the reasons why Jesus had to become a living, breathing human being in order to save us?
- How does Jesus’ sacrificial death make peace? What could be offensive about that claim?
- What has changed in your own life since you first trusted in Jesus? What steps do you need to take to remain “stable and steadfast” in your faith?
- “Holy”, “blameless”, “above reproach” (v 22). How would believing these truths to be accurate descriptions of yourself change the way you live and feel about your Christian life?
- Nov 14, 2021Colossians 1:9-14Nov 14, 2021Colossians 1:9-14By: Nick WebbSeries: ColossiansQuestions:
- What was confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of Scripture?
- What things do we typically pray for ourselves and others? How do our prayers compare to Paul’s prayer in verse 9-14?
- What does Paul specifically pray for in verse 9?
- Why do we need to be filled with the knowledge of God’s will? Do you tend to think of God’s will as ‘private individual direction’ or as ‘God’s commands for how we should behave morally’?
- In verse 10, what is the goal for every believer? What four ways do we accomplish that goal?
- What is the relationship between salvation and good works? Do my good works earn my salvation or does my salvation produce good works in my life?
- What is the relationship between knowing God and living for God? Can you have one without the other? Give one example of how your knowing God has changed the way you live.
- What does it look like to walk in dependence on God for strength to endure trials and be patient with people?
- How much strength does God promise to give us to endure trials and be patient with people? Will there be a trial that ever grows beyond his ability to helps overcome?
- “It’s one thing to be grateful. It’s another to give thanks. Gratitude is what you feel. Thanksgiving is what you do” (Tim Keller). How can you grow in regularly giving thanks to God? What will it look like to thank God more?
- What reasons does Paul give to encourage believers to practice thanksgiving?