Sermon Series: Ruth
Apr 28, 2024
The Bigger Picture Ruth 4
By: Ben Lairamore
Series: Ruth
Sermon Points:
- Boaz REDEEMED Ruth.
- The Lord GAVE conception.
- The Lord’s bigger PLAN is revealed.
- Apr 28, 2024The Bigger Picture Ruth 4Apr 28, 2024The Bigger Picture Ruth 4By: Ben LairamoreSeries: RuthSermon Points:
- Boaz REDEEMED Ruth.
- The Lord GAVE conception.
- The Lord’s bigger PLAN is revealed.
- Apr 21, 2024God’s Providential Plan Continues to Unfold – Ruth 3Apr 21, 2024God’s Providential Plan Continues to Unfold – Ruth 3By: Ben LairamoreSeries: RuthQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What questions do you have about the meaning of today’s passage?
- Are you surprised by the hasty and very forward strategy that is hatched by Naomi? Have you ever been hasty and tried to “help” God’s plan along in your own life instead of patiently waiting upon the Lord?
- If Boaz had not been a worthy man of faith, how might his response to Ruth at the threshing floor been different?
- How does Boaz show respect and honor for Ruth in his response to her request?
- What is significant about Ruth’s request in verse 9 that Boaz “spread your wings over your servant, for you are a redeemer”? (See Ruth 2:12)
- Boaz called Ruth a “worthy woman” in verse 11. This is the same language used in Proverbs 31:10 of the “excellent wife”. In what ways do we see the worthy character of Ruth?
- Boaz is resolved to redeem Ruth if possible and to give her and Naomi the rest they seek (verse 13). How is Boaz a picture of Jesus as our redeemer who gives us rest?
- How do we continue to see examples of God’s providential hand at work in this unfolding story? How does this help you to trust the Lord more in your own life?
- Apr 14, 2024God’s Kindness on Display – Ruth 2Apr 14, 2024God’s Kindness on Display – Ruth 2By: Ben LairamoreSeries: RuthQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What questions do you have about the meaning of today’s passage?
- What was significant about Boaz? (See verses 1 & 20)
- How do we see Ruth’s faith in the Lord lived out? (See verses 2, 7, 10, 13)
- How does God use Boaz to show His kindness to Ruth and Naomi?
- What caught the attention of Boaz about Ruth? (See verses 11-12)
- In Ruth 2, what examples can we see of God providentially at work through apparent coincidences?
- Can others look at your life and say that you have come to take refuge under the Lord’s wings as was said of Ruth by Boaz?
- How have you seen God’s kind providence in your own life?
- Apr 7, 2024God is in the Details – Ruth 1Apr 7, 2024God is in the Details – Ruth 1By: Ben LairamoreSeries: RuthQuestions for Discussion & Application
- What questions do you have about the meaning of today’s passage?
- What is significant about the time period being “in the days when the judges ruled”?
- Do you think Elimelech was right or wrong to take his family into the land of Moab?
- Were Naomi’s bitter circumstances under the sovereign reign of God?
- Are our own bitter circumstances under the sovereignty of God? How does God’s sovereignty in your own suffering bring you comfort and encouragement?
- Why was Ruth’s decision to cling to Naomi a big step of trust in the LORD? How did God honor and use this decision in Ruth’s life?
- When have you faced difficult moments that required you to trust God and do what seemed impractical?