May 28, 2023
Lessons about Repentance – Exodus 32:15-33:6
Series: Exodus
Application & Discussion Questions 1. Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage? 2. What has the complete rejection of an idol looked like in your own life? 3. How did Aaron respond to Moses when confronted about making an idol? (See Exodus 32:22-24.) 4. Why does humble repentance give up on making excuses and passing blame for sin? Why will we remain stuck in a pattern of sin if we cling to our excuses? 5. How are you tempted to make excuses for sin in your own life? How does the Gospel set us free from this pattern?
  • May 28, 2023Lessons about Repentance – Exodus 32:15-33:6
    May 28, 2023
    Lessons about Repentance – Exodus 32:15-33:6
    Series: Exodus
    Application & Discussion Questions 1. Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage? 2. What has the complete rejection of an idol looked like in your own life? 3. How did Aaron respond to Moses when confronted about making an idol? (See Exodus 32:22-24.) 4. Why does humble repentance give up on making excuses and passing blame for sin? Why will we remain stuck in a pattern of sin if we cling to our excuses? 5. How are you tempted to make excuses for sin in your own life? How does the Gospel set us free from this pattern?
  • May 21, 2023Moses’ Prayer – Exodus 32:7-14
    May 21, 2023
    Moses’ Prayer – Exodus 32:7-14
    Series: Exodus
    Application & Discussion Questions 1. Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage? 2. Why does God refer to Israel as Moses’ people and as a “stiff-necked” people? Is this a fair assessment of Israel? (See also Exodus 5:21, 14:10-12, 15:24, 16:2-3, & 17:1-3.) 3. How does the label “stiff-necked” accurately describe all of humanity? (See Romans 1:18-32.) 4. Moses interceded on behalf of the nation of Israel and appealed to God to be merciful. How is this a foreshadowing of Jesus as our high priest who intercedes on our behalf? (See Hebrews 7:24-25.) 5. In Moses’ prayer for Israel, he appealed to God’s glory and God’s promises. How can these same things shape and inform the content of our prayers? 6. What are some specific promises that God has made to us as Christians that should shape our praying? (See Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:8, Romans 8:28-29, & Matthew 6:33 for examples.) 7. How does today’s passage speak truth into your life and challenge you personally?
  • May 14, 2023Understanding Idolatry – Exodus 32:1-6
    May 14, 2023
    Understanding Idolatry – Exodus 32:1-6
    Series: Exodus
    Application & Discussion Questions  
    1. Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
    2. What is idolatry? What are some examples of idolatry that we see today?
    3. How do you need to guard your own heart against the temptation to serve an idol?
    4. How are idols directly connected back to believing lies. What examples of this can you give?
    5. What will enable us to fight the lies that lead to idolatry? (See Hebrews 4:12 & Romans 12:2.)
    6. What scriptures have helped you to fight against lies that tempted your heart toward idolatry?
    7. What examples can we see today of idolatry mimicking true worship?
    8. Why does idolatry always lead to sin and bondage? (See Romans 1:22-24.) 
    9. Read I Corinthians 10:6-13. How does this passage encourage and challenge you?  
    • How does today’s passage speak truth into your life and challenge you personally?
  • May 7, 2023The Tabernacle – Exodus 25-31
    May 7, 2023
    The Tabernacle – Exodus 25-31
    Series: Exodus
    Application & Discussion Questions  
    1. Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
    2. Can you imagine stepping out of the wilderness into this beautiful tabernacle? What impact would this have on you?
    3. Why do we no longer need a physical tabernacle or temple today as Christians?
    4. In what sense is the Church today the tabernacle of God?
    5. How will you view and treat the Church differently, knowing that the Church is the tabernacle of God in the world today?   
    6. What are some of the ways that persons today may seek to destroy the Church (which is God’s tabernacle)? (See Galatians 6:1, I Corinthians 3, and I Corinthians 5 for examples.)
    7. How does today’s passage speak truth into your life and challenge you personally?
  • Apr 23, 2023The Covenant Confirmed – Exodus 24
    Apr 23, 2023
    The Covenant Confirmed – Exodus 24
    Series: Exodus
    Application & Discussion Questions  
    1. Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
    2. What did the sprinkled blood symbolize for Israel?
    3. How are we also sprinkled with blood as Christians? (See Hebrews 10:22)
    4. Why is Exodus 24:10-11 so surprising?
    5. Why is the removal of our guilt a necessary foundation for living the Christian life?
    6. Listen to the description of seeing God in Revelation 22:1-4. How does this inspire you?    
    7. How does today’s passage speak truth into your life and challenge you personally?
  • Apr 9, 2023The Most Important Event in History – Romans 5:8-9
    Apr 9, 2023
    The Most Important Event in History – Romans 5:8-9
    Application & Discussion Questions  
    1. Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
    2. What are the 3 basic world views? Which world view is your own?
    3. According to Romans 5:8-9, on what basis is anyone right with God?
    4. Have you personally experienced the salvation of God that is described in Romans 5:8-9? If so, how has this transformed your life?  
    5. How does today’s passage speak truth into your life and challenge you personally?
  • Apr 2, 2023Three Overarching Themes of God’s Law – Exodus 20:22-23:33
    Apr 2, 2023
    Three Overarching Themes of God’s Law – Exodus 20:22-23:33
    Series: Exodus
    Application & Discussion Questions  
    1. Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
    2. What are the ways of idolatry in our own culture that we do NOT want to follow?
    3. There is NOTHING more important in all of life than the worship of God! Do you believe this?  How do you live this out?   
    4. Who are vulnerable groups of people in our own culture and context that we should work to help and protect?
    5. How is the system of justice that God gave Israel in Exodus different from the strategy and focus of our own justice system in America today?
    6. How does today’s passage speak truth into your life and challenge you personally?
  • Mar 26, 2023God’s ninth and tenth commands to Israel – Exodus 20:16-21
    Mar 26, 2023
    God’s ninth and tenth commands to Israel – Exodus 20:16-21
    Series: Exodus
    Application & Discussion Questions  
    1. Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
    2. Why is honesty and trust so important?
    3. What are some reasons why we may be tempted to be dishonest? How does the Gospel set us free from these reasons for deception? 
    4. What is coveting? How is this command different from the other nine?
    5. What is another name for coveting? (See Colossians 3:5.)
    6. Contentment alludes the world that chases after idols. What is the only way that we can find true contentment and fulfill the command to not covet?  (See Philippians 3:8.)
    7. How does today’s passage speak truth into your life and challenge you personally?
  • Mar 19, 2023God’s seventh and eighth commands to Israel – Exodus 20:14-15
    Mar 19, 2023
    God’s seventh and eighth commands to Israel – Exodus 20:14-15
    Series: Exodus
    Application & Discussion Questions  
    1. Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
    2. What timeless truths about God does the command to not commit adultery teach us?
    3. What is the good news of I Corinthians 6:11? What are the helpful instructions of I Corinthians 6:18-20? 
    4. What are some of the reasons why we can be tempted to steal?
    5. How can the following scriptures help us to overcome the temptation to steal – Philippians 4:19, Matthew 6:31-33, and Philippians 3:8?
    6. How does today’s passage speak truth into your life and challenge you personally?
  • Mar 12, 2023God’s fifth and sixth commands to Israel – Exodus 20:12-13
    Mar 12, 2023
    God’s fifth and sixth commands to Israel – Exodus 20:12-13
    Series: Exodus
    Application & Discussion Questions  
    1. Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
    2. Why do children who are taught to respect and obey the authority of their parents generally do better in life as a whole? Since this is true, what should the love of a parent for a child look like? 
    3. Why is the relationship of a child to his or her parents one of the best ways to assess the sincerity of the child’s profession of faith in Christ?
    4. What is murder?
    5. How does Jesus drive the command to not murder deeper? (See Matthew 5:21-26 & 38-48.)
    6. According to Ephesians 4:31-5:2 what are we to do with bitterness? How might this relate to the command to not murder?   
    7. How does today’s passage speak truth into your life and challenge you personally?