Mar 5, 2023
God’s third and fourth commands to Israel – Exodus 20:7-11
Series: Exodus
Application & Discussion Questions  
  1. Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
  2. Why is it our desire as Christians to honor God’s name?
  3. In what ways have you dishonored God’s name or reputation through your words and actions?
  4. Why is rest so important? What does rest and resting in Christ look like in your life?  (See Hebrew 4:1-11.) 
  5. How does today’s passage speak truth into your life and challenge you personally?
  6. What will you do (specifically) in response to hearing God’s Word today?
  • Mar 5, 2023God’s third and fourth commands to Israel – Exodus 20:7-11
    Mar 5, 2023
    God’s third and fourth commands to Israel – Exodus 20:7-11
    Series: Exodus
    Application & Discussion Questions  
    1. Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
    2. Why is it our desire as Christians to honor God’s name?
    3. In what ways have you dishonored God’s name or reputation through your words and actions?
    4. Why is rest so important? What does rest and resting in Christ look like in your life?  (See Hebrew 4:1-11.) 
    5. How does today’s passage speak truth into your life and challenge you personally?
    6. What will you do (specifically) in response to hearing God’s Word today?
  • Feb 26, 2023Exodus 20: 1-6
    Feb 26, 2023
    Exodus 20: 1-6
    Series: Exodus
  • Feb 12, 2023Israel’s Encounter with God – Exodus 19
    Feb 12, 2023
    Israel’s Encounter with God – Exodus 19
    Series: Exodus
    Application & Discussion Questions
    1. Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
    2. Israel’s call to obey the Lord is based upon His grace and salvation freely given to them (19:4-6). How does God’s grace given to us in Christ call for and motivate our obedience?  (See Ephesians 4:31-5:2 for an example.)
    3. Why was Israel not allowed on the mountain where God had descended? What does this teach us about God?  How is the situation both similar and different for us as Christians under the New Covenant?  (See Hebrews 4:14-16 and 12:18-24.)
    4. In Exodus 19:6 God says that Israel would be a “kingdom of priests” who would show the glory of God to the world by reflecting His goodness through their obedience in response to His grace. I Peter 2:9-12 uses this same language to describe us as Christians.  How has God allowed your life to show His goodness to others?
    5. How does today’s passage speak truth into your life and challenge you personally?
    6. What will you do (specifically) in response to hearing God’s Word today?
  • Feb 5, 2023Weary Moses – Exodus 17:8-18:27
    Feb 5, 2023
    Weary Moses – Exodus 17:8-18:27
    Series: Exodus
    Application & Discussion Questions
    1. Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
    2. How does today’s passage speak truth into your life and challenge you personally?
    3. What will you do (specifically) in response to hearing God’s Word today?
    4. Why does God choose to work through the weakness of human leadership? Why does He choose to accomplish His good work through each of our weaknesses? (See 2 Corinthians 4:7 & 12:9-10.)
    5. What are some ways that God provides help and support for spiritual leaders from others within the church today?
    6. How can you be a part of providing this needed help and support?   
  • Jan 29, 2023From Songs of Joy to Grumbling – Exodus 15:1-17:7
    Jan 29, 2023
    From Songs of Joy to Grumbling – Exodus 15:1-17:7
    Series: Exodus
    Application & Discussion Questions
    1. Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
    2. How does today’s passage speak truth into your life and challenge you personally?
    3. What will you do (specifically) in response to hearing God’s Word today?
    4. It is appropriate for us to compose and sing songs of joy in response to our experience of God’s glory and provision. What songs have especially expressed your praise to God over the years?
    5. Why did Israel turn so quickly to grumbling against God? When have you been tempted to grumble?
    6. Why is grumbling such a serious sin?
    7. What should we do with our temptation to grumble?
  • Jan 22, 2023Three Questions about Deacons – Acts 6:1-7
    Jan 22, 2023
    Three Questions about Deacons – Acts 6:1-7
    Series: Exodus
    Questions for Discussion & Application:  
    1. Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
    2. How does today’s passage speak truth into your life and challenge you personally?
    3. What will you do (specifically) in response to hearing God’s Word today?
    4. What are common some common misconceptions about deacons and their role in the church? How has God’s Word challenged or changed your view of deacons and their role?
    5. Do you know who our deacons are? Do you pray for them? 
    6. How can you support and partner with the deacons of our church?
    7. How does our plan for meeting physical needs within the church involve you? How are you being a servant to others and helping to meet the needs of others in our church?
  • Jan 15, 2023Do Not Fear – Exodus 13-14
    Jan 15, 2023
    Do Not Fear – Exodus 13-14
    Series: Exodus
    Application & Discussion Questions
    1. Do you have any questions about the meaning of today’s passage?
    2. How does today’s passage speak truth into your life and challenge you personally?
    3. What will you do (specifically) in response to hearing God’s Word today?
    4. Why did God not lead Israel in the most direct path to Canaan? (see 13:17) Instead, God led them into what looked like a trap.  Why? (see 14:4) 
    5. What seemingly impossible scenarios has God placed you into? How was your faith been strengthened by going through these circumstances? 
    6. The people of Israel cried out in terror at the pursuing Egyptian army on one side and the vast Red Sea on the other side. What did they fail to see?
    7. In Exodus 14:13-14, Moses makes a beautiful declaration that the people of Israel should not fear but trust that the LORD would fight for them. How do these words encourage you in your own life and circumstances where you are tempted to fear?    
  • Jan 1, 20234 Prayers for the New Year
    Jan 1, 2023
    4 Prayers for the New Year
    Questions for Application & Discussion:
    1. What did you find confusing, convicting, or encouraging from this study of Scripture?
    2. What mistakes might we make as individuals and as a church community if we forget that our overarching purpose is the glory of God.
    3. How are you participating in our mission of reaching the lost? What lost person can you resolve to pray for and reach out to this year?
    4. How are you helping others in our church family to grow as followers of Jesus? Who is helping you to grow as a disciple?
    5. Why is it important to trust that the proclamation of the Scripture and prayer are God’s planned means of working in our lives?
  • Dec 25, 2022What Is the Good News of the Incarnation? – Philippians 2:5-7
    Dec 25, 2022
    What Is the Good News of the Incarnation? – Philippians 2:5-7
    Questions for Discussion & Application
    1. What questions do you have about today’s message?
    2. How does today’s message challenge you personally?
    3. Why is the incarnation such an amazing miracle? What emotions are stirred up in you by reflecting upon the incarnation?  Why?
    4. How does the incarnation assure us of God’s love and determination to rescue sinners? How can we follow Jesus’ example from the incarnation in how we relate to the lost?
    5. Does it encourage you to know that Jesus has walked through the same difficulties of life that you face? How?    
  • Dec 18, 2022What Does the Passover Teach Us? – Exodus 11-12
    Dec 18, 2022
    What Does the Passover Teach Us? – Exodus 11-12
    Series: Exodus
    What Does the Passover Teach Us? - Exodus 11-12  Sin requires death.   Forgiveness requires blood.   God makes a distinction.  God’s People need reminders.   Questions for Discussion & Application
    1. What questions do you have about today’s passage?
    2. How does today’s passage challenge you personally?
    3. How does Jesus fulfill the Passover? (See Matthew 26:26-28, John 1:29, I Corinthians 5:7, and I Peter 1:19.)
    4. How does it strengthen your faith to see the foreshadowing of the Old Testament fulfilled by Jesus in the New Testament?
    5. Why is it so important that we make a distinction between those who are the people of God and those who are not? How are Christians set apart as the people of God?
    6. Why is it actually loving towards the world for us to make this distinction?
    7. What reminders of His grace has God given to us as His Church?